What is Vibrational Field Therapy?

Vibrational field therapy is a term for specialized treatment techniques which allows us to realign and reorganize the vibrational fields of the body.  

Our bodies, despite being made up of millions of individual cells which are all trying to survive, works as if it is a single entity.  To do this, information must be passed from one area (like the brain) to another area (like the legs) for us to do basic daily tasks (like walking).  

Sometimes, just like in the game of telephone, the instructions passed along get jumbled up and distorted.  

Vibrational field therapy allows us to investigate where the information got distorted and send the correct information down the line.  

By creating a new set of instructions and overlaying them on the current vibrational patterns, we are able to shift the vibrational fields back into the normal patterns. 

To read a brief description about the science behind this technique, check out the book Vibrational Medicine by Richard Gerber M.D.